Beautiful Plants For Your Interior

Hummingbirds clean themselves by taking dust and dirt baths, using their bills and feet to brush off any debris or loose feathers. They will also preen their feathers with their bills and rub their head and neck against a perch or branch to remove any dirt or debris.
Hummingbirds have a unique adaptation that helps keep their feathers clean and healthy. Their feathers are coated with an oily substance called “powder down,” which helps repel water and dirt. This substance is constantly being produced by the birds’ skin and is distributed over their feathers during preening.
In addition to cleaning themselves, hummingbirds will also take frequent baths by splashing water over their bodies. They may do this in a shallow puddle or in a spray of mist created by a garden hose or sprinkler. Bathing helps keep their feathers in good condition and also helps regulate their body temperature.