When a hummingbird comes to your house one day

If a hummingbird comes to your house, it can be a special and exciting event. Here are a few things to keep in mind if a hummingbird visits:

  • Do not try to touch or catch the hummingbird, as it is a wild animal and should be treated with respect.
  • Provide food and water for the hummingbird. You can make a sugar water solution by mixing four parts water to one part white granulated sugar, and filling a hummingbird feeder.
  • Keep cats and other pets indoors, as they may harm the hummingbird.
  • Keep your windows and doors closed, as the hummingbird may fly into them and get injured.
  • Keep the feeder clean, change the nectar every 3 to 4 days or more often in hot weather and wash it with hot water and vinegar to avoid mold and bacteria.
  • Observe and enjoy the hummingbird from a safe distance, and consider taking photos or videos if you wish, but don’t use flash as it can startle the bird.
  • Remember that hummingbirds are migratory birds, they will be attracted to your feeder during their migration period and they will leave when they are done feeding, so don’t worry if they disappear.

It’s important to remember that hummingbirds are wild animals and should be treated with respect and care. While it is enjoyable to have them visit, it’s important not to interfere with their natural behaviors and habits.

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