Where should you not hang a hummingbird feeder?

There are a few places where it is generally not recommended to hang a hummingbird feeder:

  1. Near windows or other reflective surfaces: Hummingbirds may mistake reflective surfaces for open air and fly into them, causing injury or death.
  2. In direct sunlight: The nectar in a hummingbird feeder can spoil quickly in direct sunlight, which can be harmful to the birds. It is best to hang the feeder in a shaded or partially shaded area.
  3. Near outdoor cats or other predators: Hummingbirds are vulnerable to predation by cats and other animals, so it is important to hang the feeder in a place where the birds will be safe from potential predators.
  4. Far from cover: Hummingbirds need a place to retreat to if they feel threatened, so it is important to hang the feeder in an area where the birds have access to nearby trees or other forms of cover.

It is also a good idea to hang the feeder at a height that is easily accessible for filling and cleaning, but out of reach of children or pets. In general, it is best to hang the feeder in a location where it is easy to observe the birds and where the birds will have a clear view of their surroundings.

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