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In the Bible, hummingbirds do not have a specific symbolic meaning. However, hummingbirds are often used as a metaphor for fleeting or ephemeral things, due to their small size and ability to move quickly and easily through the air. For example, in the book of James in the New Testament, it is written: “What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes” (James 4:14). This passage is often interpreted as a reminder of the fleeting nature of human life and the importance of living every day to the fullest.
In some Christian traditions, hummingbirds are also seen as symbols of joy and celebration, due to their colorful appearance and energetic, acrobatic movements. In this context, hummingbirds may be seen as representing the presence of God’s love and the joy of being in his presence.
It is important to note that the symbolism of hummingbirds in the Bible is not a central or defining aspect of Christian belief and practice. The meaning of hummingbirds in the Bible should be considered in the broader context of the message and themes of the biblical texts in which they appear.